Web Design / Development
Designing and developing a great web site requires the talent and collaboration of skilled professionals that are highly creative and experienced with the latest web technologies. At Softer Ingenuity we create interactive, content managed websites that engage your customers, community or organization with collaborative tools such as blogs, forums, wikis, and RSS feeds.
We have chosen Drupal for our content management system. Drupal is a very popular, standards-compliant, open source platform for building dynamic, content managed Web 2.0 websites. It offers a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, forums, blogs, news aggregation, and e-commerce. Drupal is scalable, highly configurable and can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large social networking/community sites to enterprise applications. Drupal is typically installed in a Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) environment.
Discover how we can help your organization leverage the power and flexibility of Drupal.